The Global Ecology & Sustainability Lab is dedicated to helping scholars and students become skilled scientists that make real-world impacts that can change the planet for the better.

Our group is committed to fostering both individual success and team-oriented research experiences, as well as building holistic experiences by matching research passions with the skills you need and want, while also meeting employment requirements across diverse sectors (government, NGOs, industry, and academia).

If you are highly motivated, detail-oriented, embody a positive outlook in the face of adversity, and committed to diverse careers in the environmental sciences, I’d love to hear from you! Please learn more about opportunities in the section below.

Graduate students

I recruit graduate students through the four graduate groups listed below. Each program is unique and has its own focus and requirements for applications and conferral of degrees, so please review the pages to see which one is right for you.

The most competitive Ph.D. applicants are those who have completed a research-based masters, have PUBLISHED at least one, first-author peer-reviewed journal article, and have contacted me early in the year prior to their application (e.g., June).

The most competitive masters students are those who have extensive research experience, specifically at least 12 months of full-time research/lab/field employment, and at least one peer-reviewed journal article (in review). 

To apply, please send a Letter of Introduction. This should include a paragraph stating how your research interests align with the lab and an updated curriculum vitae.

Postdoctoral Scholar, Staff, and Undergraduate Opportunities

We welcome scientists and scholars of all backgrounds in our lab. Opportunities are available on a rolling basis, so please take a look below to see which positions are currently open and how to apply.